Keycloak Custom Required Actions

January 12, 2022

Tags: #keycloak #oidc #authentication #video

Keycloak has some built-in and default Required Actions, which are executed upon authentication of a user. Required actions are e.g. update password, update profile or configure otp, etc.

But, like with most of Keycloak’s functionality, you can also implement your own custom Required Actions with your desired functionality and logic.

In this video, I’ll show you how to implement a custom RequiredAction to enforce the user to enter its mobile phone number. But it’s not just limited to this, you can implement any logic you can think of and what is needed do be executed by a user after a successful login.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

The sourcecode is available on my GitHub repository keycloak-extensions-demo/requiredaction.

dasniko/keycloak-extensions-demo - GitHub

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