Single-Sign-On with Keycloak at W-Jax 2016

November 8, 2016

Tags: #sso #keycloak #jaxcon

I just gave my talk about sing-sign-on for microservices and distributed (Java) applications with Keycloak SSO and IDM. Lucky me, I had the chance to present this topic in the biggest room, the Ballroom. The room was quite crowded and there was many positive feedback and really good and interesting questions. Thank you very much for you interest and for listening - I was overwhelmed - it was a blast!

If you have any furthermore questions, just get in contact and ask. I’ll be happy to answer it to you! My slides are here:

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« NPM vs. Yarn - new JavaScript Package Manager Video of my SSO Keycloak talk at W-Jax 2016 »